The letter, which is signed by 30 MEPs notes the recent authoritarian measures by the Georgian Dream government, and are ...
The Voice of America (VoA) Georgian service reported that the U.S. State Department and U.S. Treasury are preparing a package ...
U.S. intends to sanction Georgia’s ruling party honorary chairman Bidzina Ivanishvili, Voice of America – Georgian service ...
Shanidze was arrested in May during protests against the Foreign Agents Law and later convicted on charges of damaging ...
Bzhania defended the controversial August 19 protocol of his meeting with Deputy Head of the Russian Presidential ...
В интервью местному телевидению 19 сентября лидер оккупированной Абхазии Аслан Бжания рассказал об отношениях с Москвой в ...
Грузинская служба «Голоса Америки» сообщает, что Госдепартамент и Министерство финансов США готовят пакет санкций против ...