However, they do not exhibit the structural abnormalities that are most indicative of an early gestational disturbance (ie, reduced nasal cavity volume and shallow olfactory sulcus). Although data ...
The threads and microplastic pieces were discovered in the olfactory bulb, the part of the nose responsible for detecting odors that sits at the base of the brain. “Once present in this ...
And the olfactory system has the striking ability to elicit powerful emotions, feelings, and memories, thereby impacting quality of life. These qualities, and our resulting, inherent attraction to ...
including those that may affect the olfactory bulb (OB), olfactory sulcus (OS), olfactory cleft, and olfactory tract (OT). In the present study, researchers performed a literature review on OB ...
Department of Psychology, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany; Laboratory of Neuroinformatics, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology o ...
Bruce I. Turetsky; Chang-Gyu Hahn; Karin Borgmann-Winter; Paul J. Moberg Macroscopic examination of the structures underlying olfaction can be extended even more peripherally to include evaluation ...