Great small drive today. Left the van onsite in the Dowerin Field Days caravan camping area the Shire made available for us. Unhitched and took a drive into Dowerin. It is a small Wheatbelt town that ...
When Peter woke up next day, he wasn't feeling well. I think the heat and all the problems of the day before had made him quite ill. This was the only hotel on our stay where we had breakfast included ...
This post by triangalogin has been reported by one of our Respected Members or Travel Gurus. This is most likely because it broke the forum rules, which it could've done by being a promotional post, ...
I just love the name of this town. We rode 63 miles today. (Wynn rode 48 miles and I rode 37.) There was 917 feet of climbing today and the majority of the trails were paved. 😀 The morning started at ...
I wake in The Cook Islands, a self-governing country (the 133rd that I have visited) that is "in free association" with New Zealand. Because the resort that was supposed to host me was full last night ...
First I just wanted to say thanks for all your comments. It’s really great that you are following along and seem to be enjoying our travels. We woke up a little stiff and sore, I think due to all the ...
Today was a “light” day of riding-only 50 miles lol. We had 623 feet of climbing and had the fun of maneuvering around the state fairgrounds and getting through Syracuse. This is an adventure after ...
In the morning there was nothing remaining to be done in Siena so we packed up and left early. My online sources indicated there was a rare Monday market in a city called Casole d'Elsa about forty ...
This post by lilen has been reported by one of our Respected Members or Travel Gurus. This is most likely because it broke the forum rules, which it could've done by being a promotional post, ...
Well, it’s time to pack up and leave our pad in Amsterdam. We’ve had a lot of fun exploring and discovering this city. Or course one can’t see everything in 4 days. Our experience is to hit some ...
I agree with the advice above. I've suggested the addition of SAR on many occasions but anon44's questions weren't really related so I didn't think to mention it. Imo it's always worth applying for an ...