Where Women Aren’t As Free is an ongoing documentary project chronicling the continuing battle over women's bodily autonomy and the erosion of abortion rights across the United States. I never asked ...
An ongoing series of self-portraits taken with items I have received from my local Buy Nothing Group. My recent series, “Buy Nothing”, is a series of self-portraits taken with items I have received ...
Artistic research by artists Isabel Löfgren & Patricia Gouvêa that aims to trace the connections between motherhood and slavery in colonial times and the voices of ...
A love letter between a family and their home. Eugene D’Souza lives in her century-old house with her twin daughters, Eulanda and Rustica, and her ageing mother-in-law. The absence of a male figure ...
These photographs offer a look into my visual research on color, eroticism and fiction throughout Brazil. Zabenzi (b.Rio de Janeiro, 1999) lives and works in between Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, ...
“Present Griefs, Recent Disappointments” is a process of reconciling with my teenage self using the photographic practice as a therapeutic tool. By visually poeticizing feelings of self-doubt, ...
The Guatemala civil war (1960-1996) left over 250,000 civilian victims. Thousands were forcibly disappeared. Thanks to exhumations and DNA analysis, the war victims are finally being identified and ...
James McGill is a 3rd-generation pig farmer, and at 71 he has been farming for over 50 years. James McGill is a 3rd-generation pig farmer, and at 71 he has been farming for over 50 years. After ...
Matter out of place is about hidden truths, concealment and forced displacement. It sheds a light on an unfair and shameful page of Mauritian and British history in which the entire population of The ...
Les Mornes, le Feu is a series born out of my fascination for Caribbean urban culture and esotericism. It explores the spaces where this culture is hybridized, transformed and invested on a daily ...
I have been making self-portraits in different surroundings for exploring the relationships between my body, other bodies, identity and familiar media images. I have been making self-portraits in ...
“My friends are cyborgs, but that’s okay” is a mockumentary project made to imagine a world where Asian bodies navigate as cyborgs in a hegemonic human society. It explores the complex state of being ...