Department of Psychology, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany; Laboratory of Neuroinformatics, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology o ...
However, they do not exhibit the structural abnormalities that are most indicative of an early gestational disturbance (ie, reduced nasal cavity volume and shallow olfactory sulcus). Although data ...
The threads and microplastic pieces were discovered in the olfactory bulb, the part of the nose responsible for detecting odors that sits at the base of the brain. “Once present in this ...
These findings challenge a long-standing dogma in the field and suggest that different types of receptors, that is, olfactory and ionotropic receptors, can be co-expressed in the same chemosensory ...
Phantosmia, also known as an olfactory hallucination or "phantom smells," occurs when you smell odors that are not there. The perceived odors may be constant or come and go. The most common include ...
Nerve ablation: In rare situations, hyperosmia can be such a severe problem that you may need surgery. This will decrease the function of the olfactory nerve so that the odors you smell will not ...
Its apex, directed forward, occupies the posterior part of the olfactory sulcus, and is brought into view by throwing back the olfactory tract. It is part of the olfactory pathway . [1] ...
Though some areas of the human brain that receive primary sensory information remain poorly defined, each of the five sensory modalities has been recognized to relate to specific groups of brain cells ...
Background: Dementia can be caused by numerous different diseases that present variable clinical courses and reveal multiple patterns of brain atrophy, making its accurate early diagnosis by ...
Background: Migraine, a neurological condition perpetually under investigation, remains shrouded in mystery regarding its underlying causes. While a potential link to Right-to-Left Shunt (RLS) has ...