Only from a genuine conversion on all levels – personal, local and international – will true peace be able to flourish,” says ...
Pope Francis called on the world's Catholic cardinals, many of whom live in Rome and lead Vatican offices, to pursue a "zero ...
If Pope Francis actually did say these very words in a misrepresentation of the stakes of the U.S. presidential election, ...
In the field of Catholic moral theology and theological ethics, Pope Francis’s vision has been slower to take root because, ...
Secretary of State of the Holy See and future Pope Pius XII, with the important task of transporting the encyclical Non abbiamo bisogno (“We do not need”) to France, in which Pope Pius XI ...
Pope Francis criticizes the evil in Trump’s refusal to welcome immigrants and in Harris’ support for abortion. Yet he’s ...
Pope Francis is criticized by readers for his attack on Trump's immigration stance and Harris' support for abortion rights.
Asked what voters should do at the polls, Francis recalled the civic duty to vote. “One should vote, and choose the lesser ...
A look back at the Second Vatican Council through the coverage offered by America and Commonweal offers two lessons: First, ...
Being in the same space as Pope Francis during his visit to Southeast Asia, we wanted to show him that the seeds he planted ...
To mark the Season of Creation, September 1 to October 4, the Care of Creation group would like to invite everyone to come ...
The 87-year-old leader of the world’s Catholics will be in Singapore for the first time. Read more at