The political map used by Paul-André Wilton, the Stability, Security, and Justice Team Leader at FCDO… Sii akhri ...
Geologist Abbas Sharaky indicated Sunday on his Facebook account that Ethiopia caused a one-month delay in the arrival of the ...
The disagreement over how to manage the Puntland Security Force (PSF) in Puntland State of Somalia has led to the closure of ...
The illegal maritime Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Ethiopia and the secessionist Somaliland Administration ...
The Executive Order of the Government of the United States issued on 6 September 2024 mentions that… Sii akhri ...
Xi Jinping, the President of the People’s Republic of China, at the Opening Ceremony of the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in Beijing. Mogadishu (Commentary) — The People’s ...
Wefdi ka kooban golayaasha dowladda Puntland ayaa saaka safar ugu baxay magaalada Boosaaso ee xarunta gobolka Bari. Wefdiga oo isugu jira wasiiro iyo xildhibaanno ka tirsan dowladda Puntland waxaa ...
Israa’iil ayaa duqeyn ay ka fulisay caasimadda Lubnan ee Beyruut ku dishay 14 qof oo uu ku jiray abaanduule sare oo ka tirsan ururka Xisbullah. Duqeynta oo lagu bartilmaameedsaday guri ku yaalla ...
Malaayiin qof oo ka mid ah dadweynaha waddanka Sri Lankans ayaa saakay oo sabti ah u dareeray goobaha codbixinta si ay u soo doortaan madaxweyne cusub. In ka badan 17 milyan oo qof oo ka mid ah 22-ka ...