The surface of the cerebral cortex is folded in large mammals, such that more than two-thirds of it in the human brain is buried in the grooves, called "sulci". The phylogenetically most recent ...
The group of Jürgen Knoblich at the Institute of Molecular Biotechnology (IMBA) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, has ...
Colored green above, a songbird's cortex, which dominates the bird brain anatomy, functions similarly to a human cortex ... serve as relay stations to the cerebral regions (green, and brown ...
New research reveals where the brain feels six different types of love—and which is the strongest. Researchers explain which ...
Scientists identified six types of love and where each activated parts of the brain. Here’s what this means and why it’s ...
Pregnancy reshapes the brain, altering gray and white matter. Hormones drive these adaptations, offering new insights into ...
Neuroscientist Liz Chrastil got the unique chance to see how her brain changed while she was pregnant and share what she ...
Neuroscientist Liz Chrastil got the unique chance to see how her brain changed while she was pregnant and share what she ...
Brain functions are systematically organized on the cerebral cortex, the outer layer of the human brain. Researchers often ...
Researchers now have a better idea where love resides in the human brain ... in the journal Cerebral Cortex. Advertisement Love for one's children generated the most intense brain activity ...
Researchers have created one of the first comprehensive maps of how the brain changes throughout pregnancy, substantially ...
Researchers have conducted the first comprehensive study of the changes that happen in the human brain during pregnancy.